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Bridge Foundation & Haywood Community Foundation make homeowner education possible

Most people are aware that Haywood Habitat addresses the affordable housing crisis by creating a pathway to homeownership for low-income individuals and families.  What many don’t know is that part of the Habitat model is to provide financial and homeownership education so that homebuyers have the skills for success when closing day arrives.  Our homebuyers complete at least 25 hours of class time. 

This year COVID required that the delivery of our education curriculum change from in person to an online model.  That model would come with an expense we weren’t prepared for.  Thanks to the Haywood County Community Foundation and WNC Bridge Foundation, that need will be met.  The Haywood County Community Foundation is funding the curriculum for four families and WNC Bridge Foundation is providing a library of computers and equipment so that families without the equipment or internet access can complete their homeowner education.  We are so grateful to these two important foundations for making all of this important access reality.  Through their investment, a barrier to homeownership has been removed for our community.

WNC Bridge Foundation is a community-based charity that provides direct support to individuals and grants to carefully selected non-profits throughout the region who are working every day to eliminate the barriers in our communities that prevent our neighbors from reaching their full potential.  The foundation has served the people of Western North Carolina for more than 16 years.

The Haywood County Community Foundation, founded in 1994, is part of a growing family of philanthropic funds within the NC Community Foundation.  It is led by a local volunteer advisory board that helps build community assets through the creation of permanent endowments, makes grants and leverages leadership – all for the benefit of Haywood County.

Thank you to our generous sponsors

  • Bridge Foundation
  • Canopy Fdtn.
  • Haywood Co. Comm. Fdtn.
  • G&P Masonry
  • Dogwood Health Trust
  • Ace Construction Enterprises
    Ace Construction Enterprises
  • Ridenour & Goss
    Ridenour & Goss
  • Sunrise Rotary
    Sunrise Rotary