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What is a home dedication?

Most people haven't heard of a home dedication unless they're involved with Habitat for Humanity, but home dedication ceremonies aren't exclusive to Habitat.  Anyone can have one.  At the ceremony the home is typically blessed by a religious official, but sometimes by a family member or close friend.  At Habitat, a home dedication is always the last, and maybe the most important event before a homeowner closes on their home. It is a remarkable celebration, but it's the joy of the family, volunteers, and donors that have given their time or donations of money that makes it great to watch.  These folks have spent hours of time side by side building the house with the homeowners, and they've gotten to know each other.  The program is filled with joy and love.  It's truly a shared celebration.

One of the foundations of Habitat is the shared values of all the participants.  The common bond is nicely stated in the Golden Rule which is recognized by nearly all cultures and faiths.

  • Christian: Matthew 7:12 - So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
  • Islam: No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
  • Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman.
  • Hinduism: This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do until you.

The Golden Rule represents the inclusive mission of Habitat as we work with all faith backgrounds.  While our organization is rooted in the Christian tradition, we do this work in partnership with families of all faiths. 

All are welcome at Habitat, and we hope you can join us at a home dedication sometime.  Habitat changes lives, not just those of the homeowners, but the lives of all who are involved in our work.

Thank you to our generous sponsors

  • Bridge Foundation
  • Canopy Fdtn.
  • Haywood Co. Comm. Fdtn.
  • G&P Masonry
  • Dogwood Health Trust
  • Ace Construction Enterprises
    Ace Construction Enterprises
  • Ridenour & Goss
    Ridenour & Goss
  • Sunrise Rotary
    Sunrise Rotary